
Jinju's Blog

Ready for getting to know me?


My Story

Hi, my name is Jinju Chu which means pearl(Jinju) of fall(Chu). What a cool name, right? 😎
When I was 19, I travelled abroad for the first time myself and on the first day I smashed my phone screen. I couldn't call my mom and take pictures for 10 days.
When I was 20, I hiked Trolltunga for 12 hours with no hiking gears.
When I was 21, I loved singing so much and I & my team members were performing A cappella during university festival.
When I was 22, I overcame water phobia and got a scuba diving license.
When I was 23, I had been travelling 37 countries and had lived in 3 countries by far.
When I am 24, I tent-camped 6 national parks out of 9 in California.
When I will be 25, Mmmm

About Me




My Goal

Until I'm ALIVE,
First I want to travel 100 countries.
Second I want to write books.
Third I want to have speeches.
Fourth I want to have 5 different jobs.

Why these dreams?





Yes, my life is full of delight!

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